Today and tomorrow are Rosh Chodesh Adar


Today and tomorrow are Rosh Chodesh Adar. Our sages teach us that “when the month of Adar arrives, our joy increases.” We can all use more joy, Simcha, in our lives. The month of Adar encourages us to go in that direction. In two weeks, we celebrate Purim, when we are also called to find joy in providing for those in need, Matanot L’Evyonim, and to bring gifts of goodies, Shaloch Manos, to our neighbors and friends. Astrologically, we’re in Pisces, and fish are a sign of blessing and fruitfulness. During this month we begin planting bulbs and early spring vegetables and we, increasingly, witness the rebirth of life all around us. Simcha, joy!

Given all the suffering in the world we need Adar. We start with the Parsha, Terumah, and the instructions to build our spiritual life with fullness of heart and soulful generosity. We learn that when we do this, the Shechina, the presence of the Divine, resides within us. “V’shachanti B’tocham”(Ex.25:8). Am Kolel is increasing its joy by returning to Rockville.

Given our peoples commitment to fight against tyranny, this Saturday at 2pm at the Lincoln Memorial, many of us will stand in solidarity with Ukrainians on the anniversary of the Russian invasion. Last year at this time, Am Kolel organized a demonstration coinciding with the Fast of Esther, at the Russian Embassy, where some 100 Jews stood in solidarity with Ukraine. If you can, join me and others at the Lincoln Memorial. We’ll be on the right side at the bottom of the steps.

Sunday night at 7pm we will zoom in with a Ukrainian family now living in the DC area. They will share with us their experiences, their hopes and dreams. See the full invite below.

Locally, note that Am Kolel has contributed to JUFJ's campaign to bring Shalach Manot to our representatives offices in Annapolis, encouraging them to support those bills that create a more just, cleaner and responsive state. Check out JUFJ's website for more about this.

Of course, everyone is concerned about the anti democratic forces in Israel. Please show your concern by writing Jewish leaders here in the DC area as well as to the ambassador at the Embassy of Israel.

May our joy increase this month, for ourselves, our families, for the Jewish people and for all peoples.

Na-Aseh v’NaaLeh,

Reb David