This week’s Parsha, Vayakel-Pekudei, perfectly coincides with the creation of our new Mishkan at 1729 Wilmart Street.


This week’s Parsha, Vayakel-Pekudei, perfectly coincides with the creation of our new Mishkan at 1729 Wilmart Street. The Parsha describes in great detail the contributions and the commitment of the people in creating their sacred center as they prepare to move forward on their journey.

Similarly, members of our community are coming to set up the library and place our amazing art collection, much of it donated to Sanctuary over years, in our new Mishkan. Folks are donating furniture and other needs. You can find the list of needs below.

Weather permitting, we will be planting flowers and some shrubbery to beautify the spacious grounds around the house. We invite you to bring a plant this coming Sunday between 9 and 11am. You can also stop by during the week. Just give us a call. If you would like to help create our herb and vegetable garden please let me know. Our librarians could use some help, too.

The theme of inclusiveness is so pervasive in this Parsha. Everyone is invited to take part in this creation. One verse stands out in particular:

“The men accompanied the women, and those who wanted to make donations through…” (35:22). Our sages noted in a Midrash that “men and women came together in an intermingled throng…”. No Mekhitza here. Some taught that the women lead the way.

As the ancient Israelites prepared the way for their journey ahead, so do we, members and friends of Am Kolel, prepare ourselves for the next steps in our journey.

Relevant to our journey then and now, was the gathering of tens of thousands of Israelis in Israel last weekend and over the past weeks protesting the anti-democratic forces threatening to destroy the judicial system and violate human rights in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

This past Sunday, 100’s of us, mostly American Jews and many Israelis living in the D.C. area, protested the visit of the right ring religious extremist, Bezalel Smotrich, with the board of Israel Bonds at the Grand Hyatt downtown D.C. The speakers, from the National Council of Jewish Women, T’ruah, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, JStreet and NIF were all women.

We must do what we can to protect our Mishkan, a loving and compassionate Judaism that stands against injustice. This is our Sacred Center. Mainstream Jewish organizations must speak out more loudly.

If you are a member of the AJC, the ADL, another synagogue or give to the Federation please email or call them and let them know your feelings.

Try to join us this coming Shabbes in person at our new Mishkan.

Brachot, with blessings,

Reb David